In today's fast paced society, eating healthy is usually the last thing on our minds. Between running to the office and picking up our kids from school, who has time to fix a healthy meal? Than I started noticing that as a family we eat out about 5 times a week, this isn't healthy. I decided that it was time for us to start a healthy eating, nutrition plan. While planning out my new healthy live plan I consulted the healthy eating pyramid and decide to follow it. There are 5 basic steps.
The first step is to get the family to start exercising regularly. As a family we spend too much time in front of the TV. The kids need to be out running around, enjoying life and just being kids. As adults we need to set an example, so its back to the gym.
The second step is to focus on food not just grams. You want to make sure everybody eats enough of the right foods. Watching the amount of calories you intake on a daily bases should come from the kind of food you eat not the amount of food you eat. Healthy eating, nutrition began with what you put in your mouth.
The third step is to eat more plants. You want to make sure your daily diet includes plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole gains and healthy fats. Your healthy fats should consist of items like olive and canola oil. A good rule of thumb to follow is if it to eat what comes from the ground not what's been processed in a laboratory.
The fourth step is to cut out or way back on the typical "American" staple foods. You know the foods that are quick and easy to get a hold of, like refined grains, sugary drinks and salty snacks. You will also want to limit the amount of red meat and potatoes you consume. We all know these are some of our favorites, but you will feel a lot better once these are eliminated from your diet.
The fifth and final step is to add a multi-vitamin, and if you're an adult you may want to have a drink. Taking a multi-vitamin is like adding a good nutrition insurance policy. Even if you're eating the correct foods some of the vitamins may be lost in the cooking process, therefore a multi-vitamin is a good way to make sure you're getting the recommended amount. Adding a drink may have added health benefits for some people, however, it's not good for everyone. Besides having the drink at the end of a busy day, may be a good way to relax.
Article Source:
Healthy Eating, Healthy World: Unleashing the Power of Plant-Based Nutrition
Food Rules: A Doctor's Guide to Healthy Eating